Monday, September 29, 2008

Joke's not funny

sometimes i think God kinda messes with me. like if i have a generally bad day, it is not uncommon for something actually bad to happen to put things into perspective and remind me to stop feeling sorry for myself. and today has not been the greatest day. and i have participated in my fair share of pity parties today. but as i sat on my bed uploading pictures from the weekend with patrick curled up beside me, i could not have imagined that God's next joke would come crawling out from under my sheets and send my already neurotic dog into full-blown fits.
Pat and i got the message- and im pretty sure we're not sleeping tonight :-/

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Those are so nasty and I feel like I heard when I was a kid that most centipedes or millipedes or whatever were poisonous and I'm pretty much scarred for life.