Sunday, August 17, 2008

Where are all my dolls???

So I had a visitor this week who proved to be an AMAZING help in cabbie rat check and organization (thanks Amanda!!!!) and after only 10 short hours (and i think that might be a low estimate) of unpacking, we finally got all the cabbies out into the fresh air (and they needed it!) However, i am still missing a significant number of dolls (at least 2 bags) and most of my very favorites are among them (mom reminded me that i gave them to my cousin for safekeeping when the others were being stored in the rat hole- good idea, too bad i forgot!), so here are pics of SOME of my dolls, minus the favorites and about 20 dolls still residing upstairs in various stages of de-ratting :)

1 comment:

Brandie said...

lots of dolls!! :)