Wednesday, July 9, 2008


There have been some very important things on my mind lately and I'm wondering if my readers (the faithful 2-hehe) might have some answers. Here goes...
1)Why is it so easy to shave the skin right off your knees but completely impossible to get those blasted hairs? I mean, when the skin is gone, what do the hairs have to hang onto???
2)Why is it that the people with the longest legs walk the slowest? I cannot tell you how many times a day i get stuck behind a GIANT (5'5 and above) who is barely moving! I try to scurry around them, but more often than not i end up getting pinned between the giant and a wall or having to relinquish my position to oncoming traffic. Are longer legs just that much heavier and therefore unable to move at an acceptable pace???
3)I have been watching a lot of shows on Body Dysmorphic Disorder (what, that's not how you spend your friday nights?) and it is an incredibly sad disease that causes perfectly normal people to look in the mirror and see themselves as monsters. They see flaws that don't exist and oftentimes end up housebound for fear that the public with be disgusted with them. The thing is that everybody who is diagnosed with this disease is BEAUTIFUL! Which makes me wonder- if a less attractive person has BDD, is it just called ugly?
4)So I was reading my favorite book (The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne- READ IT! IT'S AMAZING!) and Shane was picking apart the verse where Jesus tells Peter “The gates of Hell will not prevail against you.” He explained that gates are for defensive purposes instead of offense (unless you're talking about some hi-tech electronic gate that smacks the hell outta people who come near- and i don't think that's what Jesus was referring to) and that he thinks Jesus meant something like the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.
This is where my imagination took over... I pictured everybody lining up for roll call in Heaven on the first day and God is like "Well, I have a surprise for you guys. Everybody gets to go get 5 of their friends out of hell!" And we all line up at the "gates of hell" and God blows a whistle and we all just plow thru the gates and race to pull our friends out.
I don't think this picture is exactly biblically based, but it sure is fun to think about :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

those are some interesting thoughts. I think that we giants would like to walk faster but are afraid of leaving you shorties in the dust so we have to take the opposite pace. I also think that you are unnaturally speedy. Oh, and I will have to read your book because that image has got me pondering as well. Enjoy work, I will see you when I get back. And oh, keep touch so that you can get the first look and me being ridiculous at Disney!