Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things I Loved Today

~ eating a Tony's cheese pizza with fake sausage- I ate the WHOLE thing yo!
~ snuggling under my covers with nothing to do and nowhere to go and watching it storm
~ seeing the Diamond Heels freak out on Chad Flack when he hit a 2 run homer to take the lead in the 8th- i teared up a bit
~ having a stranger pay my way into the skating rink and telling me "maybe you can pay back the favor to somebody else sometime"
~ skating for hours with eric and catching him watching me and smiling
~ a phone call with an old friend
~ scrapbooking!
~ drinking pineapple juice right out of the bottle
~ having patrick sleeping by my head as i type this
~ watching the Diamond Heels win the game as i type this :)
Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I am just so happy that I could introduce an item onto your list of things you love. My work here is complete. Hooray for scrapbooking!