Saturday, May 3, 2008

Home Alone

Just 3 short (sarcasm) weeks after my life suddenly turned on its head, things seem to be straightening out- slowly...
I finally turned in our old apartment keys on Wednesday before work (which made exactly 8 days straight spent packing or moving-ugh) and closed that chapter of life, so that was helpful. Oh ya- kudos to my AMAZING moving crew who set a new world record in moving speed! Huge thanks to Tyson, Keith, Jessica, Amy, Khou, Gretchen, and Rebecca. And thanks to Emily, Caraina, and Jen who helped me get boxes and to Heather P who hemmed my professional pants at the last minute so I didn't look like a bum going to my grad school interview- I got in and, if nothing goes horribly wrong, will start taking classes in the MAT in Special Ed program at NCCU this fall- woohoo!
Now you're caught up to this weekend. Thinking back to how stressed out and tired I was at the end of this week, I suppose the fact that all my people are out of town for the weekend is a good thing, but when I first realized that Brandie and Lauren would be gone for the weekend I was pretty upset. Brandie and I have our birthdays two days apart and have celebrated together for the past 5 years, but our birthdays are this week and I will be outta town for Mother's Day next weekend, so I'm kinda bummed...
Nevertheless, the show must go on!
So I did all my necessary shopping when I got off work yesterday (buying pizza and chips to entertain me on my lonely weekend) and came home determined to lay around and watch tv until I passed out (I have big goals).
Here is my dilemma. My typical tv shows of choice are reality tv and weekends are especially full of crime tv shows- my secret love. I try to be careful about when and how many of these shows I watch because I have a RIDICULOUS imagination and often let inappropriate things (murder scenes mostly) slip into my dreams- this is an even bigger consideration for me since I'm staying alone in my new townhouse and the dogs are I are still quite unfamiliar with all the sounds of the place- they bark psychotically every 5 minutes or so. So I tell myself no crime tv tonight and go downstairs to prepare my pizza. When I came back upstairs, my tv was on one of the crime stations (because they are set as my favorites) and they were profiling the case of this blonde chic and seemed to be setting it up as if her boyfriend murdered her, so I figured it was safe to watch. After all, it was still light outside and domestic violence shows tend to upset me less because I have no "domestic" to be violent :)
So I'm watching the show and I'm slowly realizing that her boyfriend didn't do it (now fully aware that I should change the channel, but determined to find out whodunnit) and he is reliving the night he realize something was wrong. He called her cell phone and left messages all day and she never called back, so he went to her apartment and her car was there but she didn't answer his knocks. Panicking, he remembered there was a sliding glass door in the back, but knew he wouldn't be able to get in because she kept a stick in it as a lock. You know where this is going, but what you might not know is that in my scary new townhouse there is a sliding glass door in the back (facing the woods) and I have been unable to locate one of those lock sticks and that is a main source of stress in my life these days. As soon as the creepy announcer voice said "Jeremy approached the sliding glass door to find the stick was gone and the body was..."- I was out!
I decided it would be safer to watch a movie, so I popped in "Evening". I just purchased this movie a few weeks ago because I saw it in the theater and there was a quote in the movie that I have desperately tried to remember since I first saw it, so I decided to distract myself by finding the quote.
[Big sidenote: The movie is about a woman who is old and dying (yup, this is what I watch to cheer myself up) and her old best friend comes to visit after many years of not speaking and as they are lying in bed together reminiscing, the old lady says,
"Have you been happy?"
Her friend answers, "At times. And at times I have been very unhappy. But I never expected as much as you did."
The old lady replied, "I expected so much..."
And then her friend said, "Oh yes you did! And you got so much..."
I love that quote (my blogger name is "expecteverything" after this movie) because I have always expected so much- from myself and other people- and, for the most part, I feel like I get more because of those expectations. Oh well, that is for another blog :) ]
So I'm watching the movie and crying my eyes out (because that is what I do when I watch movies alone- tear duct therapy) and I sit up in bed to check my email or something and I almost wet the bed (which I haven't done in at least 6 months) when I see this white glowing face in the tree outside! But before I had time to think that my plastic sheet isn't on the bed yet, I realized that the glowing image was my pasty white face illuminated by the computer screen reflecting in the window. Though it was only a 5 second scare, I can not stress enough how incredibly scary it was!
That's when I knew it was bedtime...
Today has consisted of hanging out with all the most amazing kids in the world- I took Eric to softball practice (and I'm proud to announce that I did NOT lock him in the car), bought a dryer (which has nothing to do with kids, but I'm quite proud of it), did flips and hung out at the park with Jennifer and her kids (gotta say- they are AWESOME kids! I wish we lived closer so I could have more precious kiddie time), and took a walk with Heather, Hudson (my favorite baby ever), and the pups. I came home hoping to veg out in front of the tv again (perhaps with less drama) and found myself engrossed in a show about gangs (confession- the gang members were showing their signs and before I could stop myself I was practicing throwing up gang signs- in front of my open window- in Durham- did I mention I don't have a sliding door stick???) and then I took a nap.
I think it's just about bedtime for me. But I don't need to watch crime tv to give myself nightmares because I was just informed that I'm taking Billy SWIMMING tomorrow! I won't get into all the reasons why this is a VERY BAD idea, but I have a feeling that my next blog will be entitled, "When white fat met the sun".
I hope you are all having an amazing weekend and thanks to everyone who stuck with me during the three weeks when my only forms of communication were bitching and whining- I wouldn't do it for you, but I'm glad you did it for me! ;-)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

UMM.... CONGRATS!! In your 60 pg. entry that was almost as long as mine tend to be I am referring to grad school. That is awesome! How is that going to work with the job and all? How long is the program? I'm just so excited for you, let me know all the horrible details!