If you went through a similar process and decided to vote for another candidate, I completely respect that and I am so grateful that we live in a country where we are free to make our own decisions.
Tonight my soap box is not McCain vs. Obama. My soap box is that so many people fought so hard for us to have the RIGHT to vote for either candidate we choose and I feel that most of us aren't taking our vote seriously.
I asked a coworker if she watched the first presidential debate and she told me that she didn't need to watch the debate because she already knew who she was voting for. "Without knowing where the candidates stand on the issues?" I asked. "Yup!" she answered proudly.
You may be laughing, but the sad fact is that i know MANY people who vote this way (though most of them aren't dumb enough to brag about it) and it makes me sick!
Just today I was considering early voting and I realized that I don't know how to vote on the offices besides president. I spent an hour searching for a website that could break down the issues and tell me each candidate's position, but I came up with nothing. Knowing that many of my coworkers have already voted, I began asking if they could recommend an informational site and was frustrated beyond belief to find that almost nobody could find one. When I questioned how they knew who to vote for for County Soil and Water Representative, I got answers like this:
"I just left them blank."
"I just went thru and marked some names."
"I voted straight ticket." (While I realize that this may be what many of you do, this is my blog and I am exercising my right to free speech to tell you that is dumb- but I still love you!)
Not a single person said they read up on the candidates and made informed decisions on who they believe will best lead our state and our counties.
And that makes me very sad.
But I know a lot of you (myself included) have not voted and I hope to encourage some old school THINKING in this last election week, so I would like to share with you the website I FINALLY found that breaks down the platform of every nominee on the ballot.
They are listed in alphabetical order, so it is helpful to have a sample ballot handy. You can find one by simply googling "Durham (or insert your county of choice) County NC Sample Ballot".
So I encourage you all to vote on or before next Tuesday, but more than that, I encourage you all to THINK!